Which Bugle to Buy??
#1 Frequently asked question - Which bugle should I buy for my Boy Scout learning to play. Answer: Our Centennial Bugle.
See below for our bugle choices and to learn more

If you want a basic instrument for a beginning player, scout or adult or a player looking for a compentent instrument at a great price, we recommend our Centennial Bugle. This is a "G" bugle. We have it in lacquer and Silver
If you want a fancier instrument as a gift, let's say for an Eagle Scout or just want a deluxe bugle, consider our Arlington Bugle, or perhaps the Tribute Bugle, but the Centennial Bugle will also serve you well. Both of these are "G" bugle. The Arlington is only available in lacquer.
More Details:
Key of the bugle - The key is the natural notes played by the bugle in terms on the piano scale. The traditional boy scout bugle is in G/F (the key changes by pulling out the slide). A trumpet is usually in B-flat. Thus the G bugle plays 1 1/2 steps (a note and 1/2) lower then a trumpet. The advantage being the lower notes are a bit easier to play for the beginning student. Otherwise, I'm not sure WHY the bugle is in this key, tradition, or some other reason that appears long lost. One thing to be careful with all this is that sometimes you'll see a bugle in "B-Flat" but it's a whole octave below the standard bugle (the length of tubing of a trombone). While you might have a specialized need for such an instrument it's probably not what you would want for funerals, memorials, boy scout signaling or the other purposes folks on this website usually want to accomplish.
Bugle Material - All these bugles are made of brass. You might from time to time find a bugle made of copper or have a copper bell, but in general they're brass. There are different "flavors" of brass. Our Tribute Bugle is made of Rose Brass which has a higher copper content than the usual yellow brass.
Bugle Finish - Bugles normally come in a lacquered finish or a silver (or nickel silver) finish, though sometime in "raw brass." Lacquered bugles maintain a shine but need to be kept clean. If the lacquered wears off you'll want to polish the exposed area. Silver plating is more expensive, but stays shiny longer and takes a shine. We stock our Centennial bugle in Silver and Lacquered. Our Tribute and Arlington bugles are sold in lacquered only to allow for the beauty of the underlying metals to stand out.
Here's some examples and variations of what might be called the "Traditional Boy Scout Bugle" the 1892 bugle (when the Army Specified this style), a Field Trumpet, or the trademarked US Regulation Bugle. The difficulty buying these on line is that it's hard to figure out the key and playability. These bugles below are roughly 15 3/4" without the mouthpiece and about 17 1/2" with the mouthpiece. The Bells are from about 4 1/2 inches to less then 5 inches. This style is specified in G/F but as you see below variations of B flat, G, F and by having a LONG tuning Slide G/F. Often with these bugles, you lose sound quality as you pull out the G/F slide so for practical purposes, it's probably best just to play them in G.
To add to your confusion about "keys" (If late at night I'd skip this paragraph): The piano is in the key of "C". There are a lot of trumpets in the key of "C" but in the US that would be 99% of the time played by a professional or college level orchestra player. The most likely trumpet, cornet, or flugelhorn you'll find out there will be in the Key of B-flat, or one STEP lower pitched then the "C" trumpet. A step is the distance between white keys when there is a black key in the middle. When a B-flat trumpet player sees and plays a "C", to the piano player he's playing a B-flat. The often recommend key for playing "TAPS" is the the key of G (same as a trumpet if you add the tubing of the 1st and 2nd valve), followed by B-flat and then sometimes F (same as a trumpet but adding the tubing involved in valves 1 and 3 on the trumpet. I know, you need to shake your head a few times to figure this out.
Some horns have "spit valves" installed either on the first forward bend or on both forward bends. Most of our horns have a "traditional" spit valve with a lever with a spring which covers a hole in the tubing. When you press the lever you can clear condensation and spit from the horn. Our Tribute bugle has "Amado" style water keys, which are a metal to metal valve system. In theory less disruption if a nodal point lands on that location. (Yeah, that's what I've been told)
We often get e-mails, what about this or that bugle on ebay/Amazon.com/etc. Needless to say most are "no name" for a reason. But don't believe us, here's an exchange between us and a customer. He even decided to make a youtube video about the experience.
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Our Signature Bugle
The ScoutBugle.com Centennial G Bugle

Brand New in 2010 the ScoutBugle.com Centennial G Bugle celebrates the Boy Scouts of America 100th Anniversary! This bugle is the first to have the Scoutbugle.com name right on the bell.
Specified by Scoutbugle.com to meet requirements of ease of play, tone quality, intonation, and construction quality and still be available for an economical price. While maintaining some of the flavor of the traditional 1892 model bugle and the traditional Boy Scout bugle, we elected to take advantage of 118 additional years of brass instrument manufacturer along with an ISO 9000 qualified factory to deliver the best of modern day product. The designer has worked for such brass powerhouses as Conn-Selmer and Schilke. The Centennial bugle uses a trumpet mouthpiece, so replacements are as close as your local music store (or here).  Click here for more information and pictures.
All bugles are shipped with a lightweight solid case for long term protection.
For something extra special:
The Scoutbugle.com Arlington Bugletm

An extra deluxe "G" bugle with a few special added features beyond our Centennial - Snazzy Chrome Tuning Slide Supports and a Hex Mouthpiece Receiver. Sold with Case and Mouthpiece. Click here for more pictures and to order.
The Scoutbugle.com Tributetm
Rose Brass Bell makes the difference
Our top of the line bugle takes the accoustical basics of our Centennial Bugle and ads features on top of features to make it a visual and playing delight. As with the Arlington bugle we've added chrome supports and a Hex mouthpiece. To that we added an improved case, Amado style water key to replace the traditional and the key componen: a copper rich Rose Brass Bell to create an even richer and more complex sound which will bring your performance to the next level. Great for gifts, something for the experienced player, or a special gift for yourself. The Scoutbugle.com Tribute will be the bugle you hand down for generations. It includes case and mouthpiece. Click Here for more information or to purchase.
The Kanstul Regulation Bugle

ScoutBugle.com no longer has access to the Kanstul Bugles since they have gone out of business. May we strongly recommend our Arlington or Tribute bugle as a very fine alternative.
(Note - Student Trumpet inventory varies-Check with us for availability before ordering!) TRUMPET Wiseman DTR-250. A fantastic trumpet for the student player. Don't be locked in to high rental fees and inflated purchase prices, for $350/$375 (Lacq/Silver) this horn were serve all the student's needs all the way through marching band. Click here for more information.
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Copyright www.ScoutBugle.com 2004-2023
The Centennialtm Bugle is a Trademark of Scoutbugle.com